Friday, February 17, 2006

It only took two years... :-P

All the bureaucratic stuff is out of the way now for the Percent for Art Commission, so it's on Baby!
Two things on that:
1. Finding insurance sucks!
I went through hell on this one. The trick is basically this: keep your description of the project as **simple minded** as possible when dealing with agents. Whatever it is that you're planning on doing, always make it sound like you're doing a very traditional procedure (i.e. painting, carving, etc.) in your studio, and moving it to the site for installation in a very conventional way; like hanging, bolting etc. NEVER mention scaffolding, even if you are painting a mural, this will get you denied on the spot.
2. If you can bring somebody in on the project, do so.
(a) You need the teamwork experience. (b) Doing these things by yourself is very demanding. (c) You get the opportunity to do something about all those compliments you gave to your peers about their work. And (c) it's just good karma!
That's basically it for today. It's Friday and I'm exhausted, so I'm going to the Hamam!

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