Tuesday, November 04, 2003

So you decided to become an artist....

Welcome everybody,
The economy is in the pits. Gallery owners could not care less about your welfare, but you still keep trying. Why? You care deeply about what you do. You put your money and your time where your mouth is, and frankly, it is not easy. It is not impossible, but it is not easy.
Through this blog, I hope to share some frustrations, (maybe more importantly) some resources, and anything else that comes to mind. I will try my best to keep up with what is going on in New York or anywhere else, but sometimes I will just be plain busy in my studio. I pledge not to promote my own work through this blog, but I hope to highlight artists who I think are doing important and compelling work, so if you saw a show that knocked your socks off, or you think somebody (OTHER THAN YOURSELF) is of notable skill, please let me know so that we may see the show, or try to look up the artist.
Some of my postings will be technical (please feel free to pick my brain on this one), some will be critical-analytical, some will be just plain rambling, or complaining. I hope most of them will be helpful.
May you all find your niche, and may you all be happy!!!